Genealogy Links

Tracing your family tree? Here are a list of my favourite sites. |
Local Names A forum for people sharing information about their Irish family names. |
Loftus Web A global attempt at tracking the Loftus family heritage. |
Official Cassidy Clan Website The Cassidy Clan is a perpetual hereditary association
of people bearing the Cassidy surname, or having descended from an ancestor with the Cassidy surname. The place to be if your
ma or pa was a Cassidy. |
Fermanagh Gold If you have an interest in County
Fermanagh this is the site for you with information on genealogy, culture and history. |
All Irish Clans and Names A website for everyone of Irish origin |
Scot Clans Information on the main Scottish clans with details of
clan tartans, crests, and clan homelands. |
Family Search Search for your ancestors on the IGI |
Grenhams Irish Recordfinder Software program that guides you through the process of where to find
the records you are looking for and how to access them. |
Milesian Genealogies Most of the Irish are descended from one of the three sons of Milesius. These
are the Milesian genealogies. |
United Kingdom Genealogy This site provides links to all genealogy resources pertaining
to the United Kingdom and Ireland. |
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the internet. More than 62,600 links. |
Distant Cousins A comprehensive genealogy site. |
Fianna Guide to Irish Genealogy An excellent site with over 500 pages of help on tracing your Irish ancestors. |
near Omagh in County
Tyrone, this is an outdoor museum telling
the story of emigration from Ulster to the New World in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. |
Scots/Irish Links 
Scottish and Irish information sites. |
Rampant Scotland Directory 7000 Scottish related links. |
Gateway to Scotland This site is run by the department
of geography at Edinburgh University. A marvellous source of information about Scotland. |
Wir Ain Leid An introduction to modern Scots (Lowland Scots language). |
Niceone Irelands Internet directory. |
My other website/homepage | This site includes my family tree with all the associated families. |
The Shamrock and the Thistle This is my old website |
Tourist Links
Ireland & Scotland 
Bord Failte The official website of the Irish
tourist board. | The premier site to plan and book your holiday to Ireland. 11,000 Places to Stay
& 10,000 Things to do!
Northern Ireland Tourist Board Official Website of the Northern
Ireland Tourist Board |
Scottish Tourist Board Everything you need to know about
Scotland's greatest attractions. |
Online Scotland The best online guide to Scotland with pages on travel services, accommodation, culture
and leisure. |
The Glasgow Site All about the Dear Green Place my
hometown. |

The Irish News The Paper is independently owned and speaks independently. Within
Northern Ireland the title sells mainly to the nationalist community, but is recognised as a quality newspaper which reflects
the full range of life in Ireland today. |
Evening Times This is a local Glasgow newspaper with local and international news. |
The Herald Based in Glasgow, this is Scotlands main quality broadsheet. |
Fun Stuff
The Leprechaun Watch Ah da little people do exist and their living under a tree in Tipperary.
It's true I tell you! |
Daily Reckless Highly amusing parody of the Scottish
Newspaper The Daily Record. |
Friends Reunited Meet up with old school firiends . |
Chewing the Fat Scottish humour at its best. |